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Lisa Virkus

Introducing My Detroit Property Organizer

I’m Lisa Virkus, Founder of Realty in the D

Detroit is one of the hottest real estate markets in the country. Interested in moving to Detroit? Interested in investing in Detroit Real Estate? The Problem…Detroit Real Estate is not easy…

It’s one of the most difficult cities to figure out what are the SAFEST AND BEST DETROIT NEIGHBORHOODS POSITIONED FOR PROPERTY APPRECIATION!

What “Realty in the D” Does for You

Our website screens the entire city of Detroit and breaks the geography down to what we consider to be the neighborhoods that are the safest and best positioned for property appreciation.

Introducing My Detroit Property Organizer

To be competitive in the Detroit market you have to react very quickly when something hits the market. So we created “My Detroit Property Organizer”. My Detroit Property Organizer allows you to receive real time alerts on the hottest neighborhoods in Detroit. So you don’t have to wait for your Realtor, who may NOT Really know Detroit. Realty in the D does that for you! And yes we know Detroit. In fact I live in the Historic Neighborhood of Boston Edison. So I practice what I preach.

So whether you want to have us do the work for you or create your own Custom Target Areas, we deliver the information you need to be competitive.

My Detroit Property Organizer produces daily updates on what hits the market, what has sold, upcoming open houses and timely Market Reports for your specific screened criteria or whatever Pre-Screened Realty in the D Target Neighborhood you choose. Bottom Line…We don’t just give you everything in Detroit like other Realty sites.

The best thing…It’s FREE.

Why do we provide this for free? Because at some point when you want to buy or sell something, you may consider using us as your Realtor. It’s just that simple. We are trying to earn your business.

Signing up for My Property Organizer in no way obligates you to Realty in the D. Your email is confidential and will not be used for any other purpose than your login information and a portal for us to deliver you the information you are looking for. Opt out any time you’d like!

REGISTER TODAY! And let us help you get involved with one of the hottest markets in the country…DETROIT!

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If you Register What Happens?

You will receive a Welcome email giving you access to My Detroit Property Organizer so you can start building your own Portal to Detroit Real Estate. Here are some sample screen shots of My Detroit Property Organizer:

Get Quick Updates on Properties You’ve Saved


Quickly click through to your Target Markets to see what’s for sale, what has sold, upcoming Open Houses and the most current Market Reports related to your specific screening…


Sample Target Neighborhood Screen Shot



Sample Property Listing where you can get everything you need to know about the property including pictures, property information and the ability to easily request additional information or schedule a showing! Realty in the D provides you everything.



Register Today!

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About The Author
Lisa Virkus

Detroit is one of the fastest growing real estate markets in the country. The issue is there are not enough Realtors who actually know the market and which neighborhoods are the safest and poised for the best growth. This is why I founded Realty in the D. I live in one of Detroit's historic neighborhoods and have been selling real estate in Detroit for almost a decade. I know the Detroit market, which neighborhoods are hot and which neighborhoods are the next to become hot! Whether you're looking to buy or sell your next home I would be happy to help you! 

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